Retirement & Personal Finance 


Current Teacher's Retirement Board (TRB) Retirement Chart

CT TRB Retirement Percentage Chart.pdf

2023 CEA Advisor Special Retirement Issue

CEA_August Retirement 2023 Advisor_web.pdf

2023-2024 CEA Understanding and planning Retirement handouts

Personal Finance Information for Teachers

Teachers are a in unique profession; we currently have a pension, and have some other accounts available (403(b)) and HSA account (as  of 2024) that can help set us up for financial success. 

Below are some general financial steps that may help you to make a personal plan for your financial goals and objectives. 

While we do have a pension, you may want to contribute more to other retirement vehicles such as an IRA or 403(b).  Look at the chart at the top of the page to estimate what you think your pension will be; it's dependant on your top 3 years of earnings, as well as teaching time, and age.

General Financial Steps for Teachers: 

Teacher retirement, IRA’s, 403(b)s, and HSA accounts